Corel Painter Help : Troubleshooting tips
This section provides troubleshooting tips and offers answers to frequently asked questions. If your problem or question is not included in the following list, visit the Corel Knowledge Base.
Brushes and tablets
Workspaces, user files, and layouts
I am trying to install/reinstall Corel Painter but I get a warning that my serial number is invalid. What do I do?
How do I repair my Corel Painter installation (Windows)?
How do I uninstall Corel Painter properly (Windows)?
How can I get the thumbnails of my Painter files to show in Windows Explorer?
Brushes and tablets
My brushes stopped working.
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Check the Layers palette to make sure that the Preserve Transparency button is disabled. |
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Click the Reset Tool button on the property bar to restore the brush to its default settings. |
My blending and smearing brushes paint with white or don’t interact with underlying colors.
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In the Layers panel, click the Pick Up Underlying Color button to enable it. If the brush still doesn't work as expected on the active layer, choose the canvas in the Layers palette and try painting over existing colors. If it works, consider painting on the canvas - some brushes use methods that don’t work on layers. |
My brush doesn’t use the color I chose or doesn’t work as expected.
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In the Colors palette, check if the Additional Color swatch appears selected. If so, click the Main Color swatch so that your brush uses the main color. |
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In the Layers panel, check the composite method assigned to the active layer in the Composite Method list box, and make sure it is set to Default, not Gel, Multiply, Overlay, or another method that changes the appearance of the main color when it interacts with underlying colors. |
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Make sure that the Hue ring and Saturation/Value triangle in the Color palette do not appear grayed out. If they are, then the Clone Color option is enabled, which means that the brush is using a color or pattern from a clone source. In the Color palette, click the Clone Color control to disable it. |
Where do I find my previously purchased brushes after reinstalling Corel Painter or installing it on another computer?
Click Help menu Restore Purchases, and follow the instructions to download and install your previously purchased items. This method can help you restore only brush packs that you purchased from within Corel Painter. For more detailed information, see To restore your purchases. |
My tablet doesn’t work as expected with Corel Painter. What do I do?
User files, workspaces, and layouts
What’s the difference between user files and a workspace?
A workspace lets you create a customized version of Corel Painter to suit your workflow needs. A workspace can include custom brush libraries, paper libraries, texture libraries, nozzles, portfolios, and more. In addition, you can easily create multiple workspaces, each with different libraries and portfolios. You can switch workspaces from the Window Workspace menu. For more information about workspaces, see Creating, importing, exporting, and deleting workspaces. |
What’s the difference between a layout and a workspace?
I was given a custom workspace, but I can’t use it.
Workspace files have a .pws extension. To use a custom workspace that was shared with you, you must import it by choosing Window Workspace Import Workspace. |
Some palettes in the workspace I just imported appear cutoff (Windows).
Lately Corel Painter has been taking longer to start. Can I do something to shorten its startup time?
What settings do I use to ensure the optimal performance of Corel Painter?
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Hide the Navigator panel (Window Navigator) if you don’t need it. |
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Move the Boost slider on the Spacing panel (Window Brush Control Panels Spacing) to optimize the performance of brushstrokes. Start with low boost values (under 10%) to significantly increase brush performance. Note that high boost values may produce less accurate brushstrokes.This setting applies only to specific brush dab types, such as Flat and Camel hair. |
I was using Corel Painter without any problems for a while, and now it no longer works as expected. What do I do?
I know that restoring Corel Painter to its default settings may help with unexpected performance problems, but I don’t want to lose my custom brushes and palettes. How do I keep my custom items?
I have read that renaming my application data folder (Windows) or application library folder (macOS) may help improve the performance of Corel Painter? How do I rename this folder?
(Windows) Press the Windows key + R, type %appdata% in the Run dialog box, and press Enter. Next, browse to the Corel/Painter [XX] folder, where XX is the version number of the product, and rename the folder to Painter XX_old. Start Corel Painter. |
(macOS) Start Finder. Choose Go Go to Folder, type ~/library in the Go to folder box, and click Go. Next, browse to the Corel/Painter [XX] folder, where XX is the version number of the product, and rename the folder to Painter XX_old. Start Corel Painter. |
Corel Painter stops responding on startup (macOS)? What do I do?
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