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Adding speaker notes

Adding speaker notes to slides will help remind you of the important aspects you want to relay to your audience. You can use speaker notes as cue cards for slide show presentations. Speaker notes are thumbnail sketches of each slide that are displayed along with your own script.

In the procedure below, you will learn how to add speaker notes to a slide show.

To add speaker notes

  1. Click File menuNew from project.
  2. Click the Create new tab.
  3. Choose Corel Presentations Slide Show from the top list box.
  4. Click the Book master on the Selected style palette.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the property bar, click the Speaker notes button spk_nt_button is selected..
    The Slide properties dialog box is displayed.
  7. Click the Speaker notes tab.
  8. From the Slides list box, click the down arrow and select slide 2:Thomas Inc..
  9. In the text box, type the following notes.
    To guarantee a successful product, a company must encourage employee satisfaction. Providing a stimulating environment is an effective approach to managing a productive company.
  10. Click OK.

Click here to see what your speaker notes should look like.
