Quick links to procedures on this page:


Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages

CorelDRAW lets you add pages to a drawing or duplicate existing pages. You can also rename pages and delete a single page or an entire range of pages. You can also move objects from one page to another.

When you duplicate a page, you can choose to only copy the layer structure of the page or you can copy the layers and all the objects they contain. For more information about layers, see Working with layers.

You can use the Page Sorter view to manage pages while viewing the page contents. The Page Sorter view lets you change the order of pages as well as copy, add, rename, and delete pages.

Page sorter view

To add a page Back to Top
Click Layout Insert page.
In the Pages area, type the number of pages you want to add in the Number of pages box.
In the Place area, enable one of the following options:
If you want to insert a page before or after a page other than the current page, type the page number in the Existing page box.

You can also
Specify the page size
Choose a paper type from the Size list box.
Specify a custom page size
Type values in the Width and Height boxes.
Set the page orientation
Click the Landscape or the Portrait button.

If you are on the first or last page, you can add a page by clicking the Add page button in the document window.
You can also choose where to add a page by right-clicking a page tab in the document window and clicking Insert page after or Insert page before.
To duplicate a page Back to Top
In the Object manager docker, click the name of the page that you want to duplicate.
If the Object manager is not open, click Window Object manager.
Click Layout Duplicate page.
In the Insert new page area of the Duplicate page dialog box, choose one of the following options:
Before selected page
After selected page
At the bottom of the dialog box, choose one of the following options:
Copy layer(s) only — lets you duplicate the layer structure without copying the contents of the layers
Copy layer(s) and their contents — lets you duplicate the layers and all their contents
You can also duplicate a page by right-clicking a page name and choosing Duplicate page.
To rename a page Back to Top
Click Layout Rename page.
Type the name of the page in the Page name box.
You can also rename a page in the Object manager docker by clicking the page name twice and typing a new name. To access the Object manager docker, click Tools Object manager.
To delete a page Back to Top
Click Layout Delete page.
In the Delete page dialog box, type the number of the page you want to delete.
You can delete a range of pages by enabling the Through to page check box and typing the number of the last page to delete in the Through to page box.
To change the order of pages Back to Top
Drag the page tabs on the document navigator at the bottom of the drawing window.
To move an object to another page Back to Top
Drag the object over the tab with the destination page number (at the bottom of the document window).
The destination page appears in the document window.
Without releasing the mouse button, drag the object onto the page to position the object.
You can also move an object to another page by dragging the object name in the Object manager docker over a layer name on the destination page.
To manage pages while viewing their contents Back to Top
Click View Page sorter view.
Perform a task from the following table.

Do the following
Change the order of pages
Drag a page to its new location.
Copy a page
Right-click and drag the page to its new location. Choose Copy here from the context menu.
Add a page
Right-click a page, and click Insert page before or Insert page after.
Rename a page
Click the page name below a selected page, and type a new name.
Delete a page
Right-click a page, and click Delete page.
Return to normal view
Double-click a page.

You can also copy a page by right-clicking the page and choosing Duplicate page. For more information about duplicating pages, see To duplicate a page.

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