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Customizing the Graphic and Text Styles docker

You can specify what types of styles — graphics, artistic text, or paragraph text — are displayed in the Graphic and text styles docker. You can also specify that only the styles available to selected objects will display. For example, when you select artistic text, only artistic text styles appear in the Graphic and text styles docker.

If you are using several styles to format a drawing, displaying only the styles applicable to the selected object makes it easier to find the style you want. As you select graphics objects and text objects, CorelDRAW automatically refreshes the docker and displays only the relevant styles.

To specify which styles display in the Graphic and text styles docker Back to Top
Click Tools Graphic and text styles.
Click the flyout button in the Graphic and text styles docker.
Click Show and click any of the following options:
Graphic styles — to display graphics styles
Artistic text styles — to display artistic text styles
Paragraph text styles — to display paragraph text styles
Auto-view — to display only those styles available to a selected object

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