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Inserting linked or embedded objects

CorelDRAW lets you insert CorelDRAW files as linked or embedded objects in other applications. You can also insert a linked or embedded object in CorelDRAW. A linked object remains connected to its source file; whereas an embedded object is not linked to its source file but is integrated into the active document.

To insert a linked object Back to Top
In CorelDRAW, select an object.
Make sure that the file is saved first.
Click Edit Copy.
Click Edit Paste special in the destination application.
Enable the Paste link option.
To insert a linked object into the active drawing from another application, click Edit Insert new object. In the Insert new object dialog box, enable the Create from file option, browse to the file you want to insert, and enable the Link check box.
To insert an embedded object Back to Top
In the destination application, click Edit Insert new object.
Enable the Create from file option.
Click the Browse button.
Click a filename.
You can also create an embedded object by enabling the Create new option, and choosing the application in which you want to create the object from the Object type list box.
You can also insert an embedded object by selecting an object in the source application, and dragging it to the window of the target application.

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