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Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format designed to preserve fonts, images, graphics, and formatting of an original file. Using Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Exchange, a PDF file can be viewed, shared, and printed by Mac OS, Windows, and UNIX users.

You can open or import a PDF file. When you open a PDF file, it is opened as a CorelDRAW file. When you import a PDF file, the file is imported as grouped objects and can be placed anywhere within your current document. You can import an entire PDF file, individual pages from the file, or multiple pages.

Some PDF files are secured by a password. You are prompted to enter a password before you can open and edit a secured PDF file. For information about PDF security options, see Setting security options for PDF files.

You can save a file in the PDF format. For more information, see Exporting to PDF.

Importing text

The method by which PDF files store information affects how text looks and how easily it can be edited. To help ensure the best results for your document, you can choose whether to import the text in your file as text or as curves.

When you import text as text, the font and text are preserved, and the text is fully editable as artistic or paragraph text. However, some effects and formatting may be lost. This option is recommended if you have a PDF file that contains large blocks of text, such as a newsletter, and you want to reformat the text or add text content.

When you import text as curves, the appearance of the text, including all effects applied to it, are preserved, and each letter is converted to a curve object. With this option, the text formatting features can no longer be used to edit the text. If you have a PDF file that contains a small amount of text that does not require editing, or if you do not have the fonts used in the PDF file, you can import the text as curves. For more information about converting text to curves, see Finding, editing, and converting text.

Importing comments

Some PDF files can contain comments and annotations. These may consist of text, curves, and other drawings or shapes that are added to the PDF document by a reviewer. If commenting rights have been granted, you have the option of importing the comments with the PDF file. When comments are imported, they are placed on a separate “Comments” layer in the document. By default, this layer is set as non-printable.

If the PDF document contains comments written by multiple reviewers, the comments are grouped on the “Comments” layer based on the author’s name.

To import an Adobe Portable Document Format file Back to Top
Click File Import.
Locate the folder in which the file is stored.
Do one of the following:
(Windows 7 and Windows Vista) Choose PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf; *.ai) from the list box next to the File name box.
(Windows XP) Choose PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format from the Files of type list box.
Click the filename.
Click Import.
If the file is protected by a password, type a valid password in the Password box.
In the Import text as area, choose one of the following options:
Text — lets you edit and reformat the text from the PDF file
Curves — converts text to curves. Choose this option when you do not need to edit the text from the PDF file, and you want to maintain the appearance of the original text.
If you are importing a multipage document, select the pages you want to import, and click OK.
If the document contains comments that you want to import, check the Import comments and place on a separate layer check box.
Click the drawing page.
If a block of text is imported as separate text objects, you can combine the text objects by selecting them and clicking Arrange Combine.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) technical notes Back to Top
Publishing a PDF file
Texture fills created in CorelDRAW are exported and imported as bitmap patterns.
Importing a PDF file
Transparency applied to text and graphics is preserved.
Character attributes of text, including superscript and subscript, are preserved.
DeviceN color spaces may be converted to RGB or CMYK processed colors in the imported file, depending on the file content.
Layers are preserved in files created with Adobe Acrobat 6 and later.
Xform objects are converted to symbols.
Symbols are preserved when PDF files created with version 1.3 or later undergo round-tripping.
Pattern and texture fills are preserved.
Most mesh fills created in Adobe Illustrator are preserved.
Comments are preserved and imported on a separate “Comments” layer in the document.
Text annotations, including free text annotations, are imported as paragraph text.
Sticky Notes display as a rectangle with the appropriate background and border color. Headers in Sticky Notes are not supported.
Line annotations display as straight lines with the appropriate width and color. Arrows with different fill and outline colors display fill and outline of the same color.
Square and circle annotations display as rectangles and ellipses with the appropriate fill/outline properties. Polygon and polyline annotations are mapped as polycurves with similar fill/outline properties. Cloud shapes display as polygons.
Text markup annotations, such as highlights, underlining, and strikeouts, are imported.
Standard ink and stamp annotations are supported. Custom stamp annotations are not supported.
Sound annotations, movie annotations, and file link annotations are not supported.

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