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Reference: Working with symbols

Modifying symbol instances Back to Top

The following object properties can be modified for symbol instances. If a symbol contains multiple objects, all objects in the symbol instance are treated collectively as a single object, just as if they were grouped.

Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Positioning objects.
Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Sizing and scaling objects.
Percentage is relative to the symbol definition. Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Sizing and scaling objects.
For more information, see Skewing and stretching objects.
Rotation angle
Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Rotating and mirroring objects.
Uniform transparency only.
Click the Symbol tab in the Object properties docker. For more information, see Applying transparencies.
Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Rotating and mirroring objects.
Wrap text
Click the General tab in the Object properties docker. Can also be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Wrapping paragraph text around objects, artistic text, and text frames.
Can be modified on the property bar. For more information, see Changing the order of objects.
The name of an instance is displayed in the Symbol manager docker. Click twice to change it.

Unsupported object types Back to Top

Most objects in CorelDRAW can be converted to symbols, with the following exceptions.

Unsupported object type
Linked or embedded objects
Includes bar codes
Objects with lenses that are not frozen
Lenses must be frozen.
Control objects in link groups
All related objects in the link group must be included in the symbol. For example, if an object has a drop shadow, you cannot convert the object without the drop shadow.
Internet objects
Buttons, radio buttons, text fields, Java Applets, and embedded files
Print merge fields
Linked bitmaps
Placed PDF or EPS files
Locked object
Object must be unlocked.
Paragraph text
Connector and dimension lines
Must be broken apart or included with the linked object or objects
You cannot convert a rollover to a symbol; however, you can include a symbol instance in a rollover state.
Objects with transparency or transparency effects applied

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