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Undoing, redoing, and repeating actions

You can undo the actions you perform in a drawing, starting with the most recent action. If you don’t like the result of undoing an action, you can redo it. Reverting to the last saved version of a drawing also lets you remove one or more actions. Certain actions applied to objects, such as stretching, filling, moving, and rotating, can be repeated to create a stronger visual effect.

Customizing the Undo settings lets you increase or decrease the number of actions that you can undo or redo.

To undo, redo, and repeat actions Back to Top

Do the following
Undo an action
Click Edit Undo.
Redo an action
Click Edit Redo.
Undo or redo a series of actions
Click Tools Undo. In the Undo docker, choose the action that precedes all the actions that you want to undo, or choose the last action that you want to redo.
Revert to the last saved version of a drawing
Click File Revert.
Repeat an action
Click Edit Repeat.

When you undo a series of actions in the Undo docker, all actions listed below the action you choose are undone.
When you redo a series of actions in the Undo docker, the action you choose and all preceding undone actions are redone.
You can repeat an action on another object or group of objects by selecting the object or objects and clicking Edit Repeat.
You can also undo or redo a series of actions by clicking the arrow button next to the Undo button or Redo button on the Standard toolbar and choosing an action from the list.
To specify the Undo settings Back to Top
Click Tools Options.
In the Workspace list of categories, click General.
Type a value in one or both of the following boxes:
Regular — specifies the number of actions that can be reversed when you use the Undo command with vector objects
Bitmap effects — specifies the number of actions that can be reversed when you work with bitmap effects
The value that you specify is limited only by your computer’s memory resources. The higher the value you specify, the greater the demand on memory resources.

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