After you create a lens, you can edit it. For example, you can add areas to it and remove areas from it. You can adjust the settings of the special effect applied to the lens or change the transparency of a lens to fine-tune the changes you want to apply to the image.
Lenses can be selected and transformed in the same way that you select and transform objects. For information about selecting and transforming objects, see Work with objects and Transform objects. You can also apply some destructive effects from the 3D and Distort categories to change the shape of lenses. For more information about destructive effects, see To apply an effect destructively.
When adding areas to a lens, the grayscale value of the foreground color or fill color affects the lens opacity. White adds areas to the lens, while black makes lens areas transparent. For more information, see Transparency.
The Rectangle tool, Ellipse tool, Polygon tool, and Line tool create new objects by default.
You cannot change the properties of a Desaturate lens or an Invert lens.
You can also edit the settings of an effect applied to a lens by clicking the lens icon beside the object’s name in the Objects docker, and adjusting the settings of the special effect filter.
The Opacity box is not available for 1-bit black-and-white images.
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