Corel PHOTO-PAINT offers support for the Google Web Picture (*.webp) file format. This open standard format developed by Google provides lossless and lossy compression for images designed for use on the web.
You can import WEBP files in Corel PHOTO-PAINT or export Corel PHOTO-PAINT files to the WEBP file format. You import WEBP files as you would any other supported file. For more information about importing files, see Import files. When you export a file to the WEBP format, you can choose from several presets to suit your needs. You can also create a new preset from scratch or edit any existing preset and save it as a custom preset. For more information about creating presets, see To save a preset for exporting web-compatible images.
You can choose between two compression methods: lossy and lossless. With lossless compression, images do not lose any quality but are larger in size. With lossy compression, images are smaller in size, but suffer a quality loss. You can control the compression factor for RGB channels by modifying the Quality setting. When using the lossy method, a small factor produces a smaller file with lower quality. A value of 100 lets you achieve the best quality. With the lossless method, the Quality setting adjusts the compression. A small factor enables faster encoding speed but produces a larger file. A value of 100 lets you achieve maximum RGB compression and generate smaller files.
You can also control the ratio between encoding speed, file size, and quality by adjusting the Compression ratio. Lower values produce larger files with lower compression quality, and faster processing time. Higher values produce smaller files with higher compression quality, and slower encoding time.
When exporting to the WEBP file format, you can preserve the transparent background of images.
Images can be resized on export by using the Transformation controls.
When importing WEBP files, transparency is maintained.
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