Loading and managing nozzle files

To paint with a custom nozzle file, one that isn’t available in a nozzle library, you need to load it in the application. You can also store custom nozzle files by adding them to a nozzle library. For information about painting with nozzle files using an Image hose variant, see Painting with the Image hose.

To load a 1-Rank nozzle file

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1 Choose Window Media Panels Nozzles.
2 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Load Nozzle.
3 Choose a nozzle from the Open dialog box, and click Open.
4 You can now paint with the nozzle.

To load a 2-Rank or 3-Rank nozzle file

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1 Choose Window Media Panels Nozzles.
2 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Load Nozzle.
3 Choose a nozzle from the Open dialog box, and click Open.
4 In the Item Width and Item Height boxes in the Nozzle Definition dialog box, enter the values you set in the nozzle file. These values describe the grid cell size.
If you are not sure about these values, first open the nozzle file, and choose File Get Info. The File Information dialog displays all the information you need. For example, "Image hose 3 by 2 items (height 100, width 100)" indicates that this is a 2-Rank nozzle, with three image elements in Rank 1 (horizontal progression) and two image elements in Rank 2 (vertical progression). Item width and height are 100 pixels each (grid cell size of 100 by 100 pixels).
5 In the Index Rank box, enter 2 for a 2-Rank nozzle and 3 for 3-Rank nozzle.
6 In the Rank columns, enter the number of image elements used in each rank of the nozzle file.
If this is a 2-Rank nozzle file, enter 1 in the Rank 3 column.
If the values you enter do not describe the file, Corel Painter won’t accept them. In other words, the "number of items" in Rank 1 (horizontal progression) multiplied by the "item width" must equal the width of the nozzle file; the "number of items" in Rank 2 (vertical progression) multiplied by the "item height" must equal the height of the nozzle file.
Remember, you still need to describe the indexing rule for each rank.


Corel Painter needs the information you enter in the Nozzle Definition dialog box to index images correctly.

To add a nozzle to the library

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1 Choose Window Media Panels Nozzles.
2 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Load Nozzle.
3 Locate your nozzle file in the dialog box, and click Open.
If necessary, enter the values to define the number of elements, their size, and rank.
4 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Add Nozzle to Library.
5 In the Save Nozzle dialog box, name the nozzle.

To retrieve and edit a nozzle

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1 Choose Window Media Panels Nozzles.
2 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Check Out Nozzle.
3 In the Check Out Nozzle dialog box, type a value in the Scale box.
Corel Painter opens the nozzle file in an image window.
4 Choose Select Reselect.
5 If necessary, edit the file.
Make sure to keep the selections.
6 Choose File Save As, and save the file to the folder you want.
If you want to protect your original nozzle, save the file under a different name.
7 Choose Window Media Panels Nozzles.
8 In the Nozzles panel, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Load Nozzle, and select the nozzle you just saved.
9 To put the nozzle back in the library, click the Nozzle options button , and choose Add Nozzle to Library.

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