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Drawing the body

You will now draw arms, legs, and feet for the clown.

To draw the arms

  1. Using the Ellipse tool, draw a long, narrow oval.
  2. Copy the properties of the body to the arm.
  3. Using the Pick tool, click the arm twice to display the rotation handles.
  4. Rotate the arm approximately 45 degrees.
  5. Click the arm again to display the sizing handles, and position the arm next to the body.
  6. Click Arrange menu Order To back.
  7. Click Edit menu Duplicate.
  8. On the property bar, click the Horizontal mirror button Horizontal mirror button.
  9. Place the new arm on the other side of the body.

To draw the legs

  1. Copy and paste one of the arms. The new object will be one of the legs.
  2. Click the leg to display the rotation handles.
  3. Rotate the leg until it is vertical, and position it at the bottom of the body.
  4. Copy and paste another leg beside the original.
  5. Select one of the legs. Hold down SHIFT, and click the other leg. Both legs are now selected.
  6. Click Arrange menu Order To back.

To draw the feet

  1. Using the Ellipse tool, draw a small oval for a foot.
  2. On the color palette, click the deep river Deep river color swatch to fill the foot, and right-click the no color swatch to set the outline.
  3. Copy and paste the foot.
  4. Place one foot at the bottom of each leg.

Click here to see what the clown should look like.
