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Drawing arcs with the Polyline tool

Standard feature

In addition to drawing freehand lines and straight segments, you can now use the Polyline tool to draw circular arcs. For more information about the Polyline tool, see Drawing lines.

With the new Polyline tool, you can also draw circular arcs to create beautiful designs.

To draw an arc with the Polyline tool Back to Top
In the toolbox, click the Polyline tool .
Click in the drawing window, and then release the mouse button.
Hold down Alt, and move the pointer to create an arc.
Do one of the following:
Click to finish the arc, and release Alt to return to freehand drawing.
Click to finish the arc, and, without releasing Alt, move the pointer to draw another arc.
Double-click to end the line.
You can hold down Ctrl in conjunction with Alt to constrain the arc to 15- degree increments or another predefined angle, called a constrain angle. For information about changing the constrain angle, see To change the constrain angle.

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