Color-adjustment tools and effects

Corel PHOTO-PAINT provides you with tools and filters, also known as adjustments or adjustment effects, to edit the color and tone of images. When you edit the color and tone, you adjust elements such as hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, or intensity. You can apply an adjustment filter directly to the image to edit the color and tone of the entire image. Alternatively, you can apply a lens that exists on a separate object layer and can be edited without changing the original image. For information about lenses, see Lenses.

Adjustments docker

The Adjustments docker is your first stop for image adjustments. It lets you apply all adjustments non-destructively as you view your changes in context. Plus, you can use the local adjustment mode to edit only specific areas of an image. For more information, see Adjustments docker.

Adjustment filters

You can also access all adjustment filters from the Adjust menu.

The table below lists the filters that can be used to adjust images.


To adjust
Use the following filters
Exposure, shadows, midtones, and highlights
Auto Levels, Tone Curve, Gamma, Sample & Target, Auto Tone Curve, Equalize
Overall color
White Balance, Color Balance, Channel Mixer
Specific colors
Selective Color, Replace Colors
Dull images that lack contrast
Light, Levels
Hue/Saturation/Lightness, Desaturate

Some filters adjust an image automatically, while others give you various degrees of control. For example, the Auto Tone Curve filter adjusts the tonal range across all color channels automatically, while the Tone Curve filter lets you use separate color channels to pinpoint and adjust tone or color. More advanced filters, such as the Tone Curve filter and the Levels filter, are precise and can correct many different problems, but using them requires practice.

For detailed information about each adjustment filter, see Adjustment filters.

Image Adjustment Lab

The Image Adjustment Lab has been removed, and its adjustments are now accessible from the White Balance and Light adjustment filters in the Adjustments docker.

Brush effects

You can use brush effects to adjust the color and tone of images. For more information, see Adjust color and tone by using brush effects.

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