Corel DESIGNER 2021

Corel DESIGNER 2021 offers a range of precision illustration and design tools to efficiently create detailed technical documentation with exact specifications. Whether you’re creating complex user manuals or intricate schematics, no time or effort is wasted with this innovative and highly effective solution for technical design.

New! Create an online spare parts page

Create a spare parts page by taking advantage of the enhanced file support in the Sources docker, the new InteractiveSVG database template, and enhanced SVG export. For more information, see Create interactive SVG graphics for online spare parts pages.

Create an interactive SVG graphic for an online spare parts page.

New! Thread and well shapes without borders

Use the new 3-Point Thread and 3-Point Well tools to add threads to objects imported from XVL Studio or any other CAD project with precision and ease. These new tools let you use the edges of existing objects to define the thread diameter, eliminating the need to snap to a center point.

The new 3-Point Thread tool lets you quickly add threads to imported bolts.

Plus, you can remove the outer lines of the threads to prevent overlapping lines by clicking the Remove Border button on the property bar. For more information, see Draw well and thread shapes.

Remove the outer lines of a threaded shape to prevent overlapping lines.

New! Projection bookmarks

When drawing an element on a custom projected plane, you can place a projection bookmark in the drawing window as a shortcut to quickly return to that custom drawing profile in the future. Next time you need to work on the same element, simply click the projection bookmark to activate the custom drawing profile. This eliminates the need to adjust values in the Projected Axes docker. For more information, see Bookmark custom drawing profiles.

Projection bookmarks let you quickly activate a custom drawing profile from the drawing window to continue working on an element.

New! Move objects with the Projected Axes docker

The Projected Axes docker features new controls that let you move projected objects along the x, y, and z-axis quickly and precisely. For more information, see Move projected objects.

Moving projected objects with the Projected Axes docker

Enhanced! Project objects

Project selected objects with ease without even opening the Transform docker. Simply hold down Shift and click a drawing plane button on the standard toolbar. Or hold down Shift and click the plane you want on the interactive cube in the Projected Axes docker.

Project objects quickly by using Shift.

New! Multi-asset Export

Corel DESIGNER 2021 lets you create a customized list of assets to export with one click. The new Export docker has a range of flexible, time-saving options for outputting pages and objects. In a couple of clicks, you can send pages or objects to multiple industry-standard formats, including SVG and PDF. The same design element can be simultaneously exported with different settings by duplicating it in the Export docker and modifying the output options. Or you can export several items at the same time using identical preferences. For more information, see Export objects and pages.

Export a list of pages and objects to a range of formats in a single click.

Enhanced! File support in Sources docker

Assemble complex projects with ease thanks to the enhanced file support in the Sources docker. Add externally linked Corel DESIGNER and CorelDRAW files to your drawings. Import Excel Workbook (XLS and XLSX) or Comma-separated values (CSV) files to add linked tables that contain information about specific project elements. You can sync the linked files with their source at any time to update them with the latest changes.

New! InteractiveSVG object data

Apply InteractiveSVG data to objects from within the Object Data docker so that you can later export them to interactive SVG files to be shown in browsers and web applications. InteractiveSVG data lets you specify how to change the objects when you hover over them in the exported SVG file. For example, objects can change their fill, outline color, outline width, or transparency, or disappear altogether, making it easy to create alternative SVG views. For more information, see Apply InteractiveSVG data to objects.

Enhanced! Interactive effects in SVG graphics

Export drawings to interactive SVG files. The enhanced SVG export dialog box lets you use the assigned InteractiveSVG object data to include interactive effects in the exported SVG files. For more information, see To export a Scalable Vector Graphics file.

Enhanced! Object Data Manager

Add object data to multiple selected objects faster than ever thanks to the redesigned UI of the Object Data Manager.

New! Multipage View

Corel DESIGNER 2021 helps accelerate your design workflow with Multipage View. It lets you see all pages in a document simultaneously, so you don't have to click tabs to navigate to another part of your drawing. For more information, see Page views.

View, manage, and edit all of your project’s digital assets in one view.

New! Live Comments and new Cloud dashboard

This new feature lets everyone involved in a project work in real time, where stakeholders can comment on and annotate a document in with all feedback instantly appearing in the working file in Corel DESIGNER 2021.

A new dashboard in both Corel DESIGNER 2021 and acts as your collaboration hub. It contains all your Cloud drawings and in a click displays a preview, the number of comments and team members, and project status. The dashboard also lets you share designs directly from Corel DESIGNER 2021 without having to open each file.

A project dashboard helps you store, view, organize, and share files saved to the Cloud.

Enhanced! Performance of Cloud files

It is now faster and easier to work with Cloud files. Whether you are saving documents to the Cloud, or opening or sharing Cloud documents, you’ll notice improved speed and performance.

Enhanced! Collaboration

A streamlined log-in process lets you sign in to the Cloud and the Comments docker simultaneously by using your Corel account. Any comments you add to a document after sign-in are now identified by your email address in addition to your name. Alternatively, you can use the Comments docker offline to add anonymous comments.

New! Perspective drawing

In Corel DESIGNER 2021 it’s easier than ever to draw objects or scenes in perspective. This new feature is based on the principles of perspective projection and boosts productivity by eliminating the need to first set up complex grids.

To get you started, there are presets for four types of perspective drawing, which are easily customizable by adjusting any part of the perspective field. The possibilities are limitless thanks to the ability to create multiple perspective groups each with their own unique perspective field within the same page or document.

Whether you want to produce textures and patterns for your illustrations, deliver distinctive sketches of product ideas, or generate proof of concept designs that have the illusion of depth and distance, perspective drawing can help you accomplish the task at hand with ease. For information, see Perspective drawing.

Draw objects or illustrated scenes in perspective, faster and easier than ever.

Enhanced! Share symbols and sync updates from the Cloud

Find all your local, shared, and Cloud content from the Assets docker (formerly known as CONNECT Content docker). Renamed and enhanced, the Assets docker gives you quick access to all symbol libraries and other files saved and shared to your Cloud folder. Plus, you can view linked symbol libraries, and you can sync them with their source, whether local or online, so that their symbols are always up-to-date.

Share and sync assets from the Cloud.

New! Access to online fonts

Access more than 1000 font families from the Google Fonts library directly from Corel Font Manager to use in your drawings. Browse, search, and preview those online fonts with ease without having to install them. Add the fonts you like to your custom font collections and access them from the Font list box in Corel DESIGNER, CorelDRAW, and Corel PHOTO-PAINT.

New! Pages docker

Corel DESIGNER 2021 simplifies working with multipage documents with the new Pages docker. It lists all pages in a design so you can easily manage them and quickly navigate a project. Each page has a scalable thumbnail preview that reflects its size and content. Reordering pages is as easy as dragging them within the docker. What’s more, you can add, delete, and rename pages in one spot, saving you time and effort. And in a click, you can switch display modes to either focus on a single page or use the new Multipage View. For more information, see Pages.

Manage pages in your drawings with ease and navigate projects faster than ever.

New! Autofit Page

Another time-saver in Corel DESIGNER 2021 is the Autofit Page feature. In just a click, you can resize a page to fit its content. You can also quickly customize the margin by specifying the space between design elements and the edge of the page. For more information, see To autofit a page.

Enhanced! Guidelines

When working with guidelines, you can quickly switch views from world scale to page dimensions. In addition, it’s easier to manage custom guidelines, so you can set up the framework for a design more quickly. For more information, see Set up guidelines.

Enhanced! Find and Replace

Finding and replacing objects is easier than ever thanks to new indicators that highlight objects included in a search when you've limited the range to selected items.

New! Snap to self

When working in complex designs in Corel DESIGNER 2021, a new setting allows you to prevent objects from snapping to their own snap points so you can move and transform design elements with ease and precision.

Enhanced! Replace Colors filter

The Replace Colors filter has been rebuilt from the ground up. Improved color pickers and eyedropper tools allow for more precise editing, and a new interactive control makes fine-tuning hue and saturation ranges more intuitive. And a slider has been added to help ensure smoother color transitions between selected and unselected pixels. For more information, see To replace colors.

New! HEIF Support

Corel DESIGNER lets you take advantage of photos captured on mobile phones with High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) support. Many devices use HEIF as the default capture format because it delivers smaller file sizes without sacrificing picture quality. You can import the key image from HEIF files into a drawing. For more information, see High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF).

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