
The Corel Painter application lets you draw and paint as you might with real artists’ tools and media. In your studio, you use brushes, pens, pencils, chalk, airbrushes, and palette knives to make marks on a canvas or piece of paper. With Corel Painter, an infinite variety of marks are possible.

This section contains the following topics:

Choosing a painting workflow
Brush tracking and calibration
Exploring painting media
Working with the canvas and layers
Displaying reference images
Clearing the canvas
Setting up the drawing cursor
Using a stylus vs. a mouse
Applying freehand and straight brushstrokes
Constraining, fading, and undoing strokes
Aligning brushstrokes to paths and shapes
Making 360° strokes
Erasing image areas
Letting media pool
Recording and playing back brushstrokes
Reference: Troubleshooting

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